Carol O'Halloran
Val's LGBTI Ageing & Aged Care
Val’s LGBTI Ageing & Aged Care is a program of Rainbow Health Australia, at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health, & Society, La Trobe University. Established in 2009, Val’s works to improve healthy ageing pathways, care and visibility of older lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/gender diverse, and intersex (LGBTI) people. In order to achieve this objective, Val’s work directly with service providers to foster an understanding of the histories and experiences of older LGBTI people and how these may impact their access to, and experience of, care and support services as they age. Val’s aims to create safe and inclusive aged care and health services that recognise and value older LGBTI people.
For more info:
Val’s LGBTI Ageing & Aged Care
Rainbow Health Australia
P: (03) 9479 7840
Community Visitor Schemes LGBTI
CVS Programs Australia
New South Wales: ACON Community Visitors Scheme
Queensland: QUAC LGBTI Seniors Community Visitors Service
Western Australia: Umbrella Multicultural Community Care
South Australia: COTA SA #ReframingAgeing
Other LGBTI+ visitor programs:
Victoria: Rainbow Connection, contact (03) 9836 0426 or
Victoria: Matrix Guild (for older lesbians) – Lesbian volunteer visitors